Sunday, December 22, 2013

Oh, patents! Santa Claus detector

Copyright © Françoise Herrmann

Question: What does a patent translator give to another patent translator for xmas?
Answer: Reference to a Santa Claus detector patent!
Indeed, the Santa Claus detector patent, US5523741, was awarded on Jun 4, 1996 to Thomas Cane, a resident of San Raphael in California! And I suppose that every household should have such a device surreptitiously hidden inside a decorative stocking, hanging on the chimney, so that Santa does not trigger any other burglar alarms in the house! At the end of the day, Santa is a most welcome guest…. Even if he has to climb in through the chimney in the middle of the night, to make sure that no-one sees him delivering gifts!

The rational invoked for this invention is somewhat different, as the Santa Claus detector, disclosed in US 5523741, is designed to light up, signaling Santa’s imminent arrival or visit, in order to provide reassurance to children that indeed they have been good enough to receive presents!..

Thus, the disclosed Santa Claus detector includes a switch, a power source, as well as a light source, all of which are concealed, preferably within a decorative stocking. And, there is also a strategically positioned pull cord  (40) across the opening of the chimney designed to actuate the lights, which Santa would presumably actuate as he is climbing into the living room via the chimney.

I suppose that everyone could use a Santa Claus detector, at least for as long as there is someone in the house to believe it!

 Below, you will find the abstract and one of the drawings of this patented invention. 

Abstract US5523741

A children’s Christmas Stocking device useful for visually signaling the arrival of Santa Claus by illuminating an externally visible light source having a power source located within the device.           


Season greetings to all!

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