Monday, August 25, 2014


Copyright © Françoise Herrmann
-- Ok, Buddy – you, translator, homotraducens, verbal acrobat, barber, pirate, juggler, builder of bridges and cathedrals, collector of words, detective, invisible author, hybrid being, go-between, textual geologist, scribe without a face, heathen and enemy of God:  Where are your credentials and qualifications?  Z-Mapp, Ebola… you are just the unknown soldier of culture, at best a locksmith and stylistic recycler… (Extrapolated from Delisle, 2007, translations mine).

-- Thanks! As usual you are so tactful in your selection of attributions! How about ventriloquist and chameleon…  or simply informed?
Anyhow, truth be told, I borrowed ‘em. And here’s another “hand-me-down” -- verbatum from the distinguished 12-member panel of the WHO Advisory Committee on Ethical Considerations for use of unregistered interventions for Ebola virus disease, a panel which includes the NIH Head of Section on Ethics and Health Policy, among 11 colleagues, doctors and professors each chairing ethics committees of various sorts, in different countries of the world. The concluding and unanimous recommendation of the panel amounting to an unprecedented exception in rules and regulations, motivated by ethical concerns, and in a grave situation, namely:  
“In the particular context of the current Ebola outbreak in West Africa, it is ethically acceptable to offer unproven interventions that have shown promising results in the laboratory and in animal models but have not yet been evaluated for safety and efficacy in humans as potential treatment or prevention.” [WHO]

 -- So there! Mind you there is much more information to process… about z-Mapp, the patented monoclonal antibody medicine where tobacco plants are used to make recombinant proteins, I am told. And on the social side of this epidemic, the stigma and extreme hardship of the containment measures.

Delisle, J. (2007) La traduction en citations. Ottawa, Canada : Presses de l’université d’Ottawa.  
WHO – Ethical considerations for the use of unregistered interventions for Ebola Virus disease

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