Sunday, February 24, 2019

Oh, patents! Ori Inc., robotic furniture (1)

Copyright © Françoise Herrmann

Does your furniture have superpowers? Chances are that if it does, it is robotic furniture, made by Ori Inc., a company that is an offshoot of the MIT Media Lab.  In this case, your furniture also folds, just like origami, the Japanese art of folding paper, which gave the company its Ori name.

Why robotic furniture? The answer is one of many that comes in response to the shortage and escalating price of urban space. It also comes as a viable alternative to tiny apartments (micro-units), which are inadequate in meeting the various needs of urban dwellers, young professionals in particular. Thus, Robotic furniture is a researched solution to maximizing space, in effortless, aesthetic, comfortable and clever ways.

No more Murphy beds that tax your musclepower. Ori Inc., foldable furniture, is mobile-app-operated or smart home assistant-operated. Just summon your robotic furniture with voice-activated commands, or configure it into place on a mobile app. Robotic furniture glides in and out of recesses, transforming spaces, making them multifunctional, emptying them of “space killers” such as unused beds, dining room tables, or walk-in closets.  

Based on the premiss that people actually need much less space than presumed, robotics-assisted architecture and interior design create a fluid and flexible space that morphs. A 200 sq. ft apartment is quite small, but when it morphs as a single space, it can become, through transformation,  a very big bedroom with a walk-in closet, or a big living room, or a big office, even a big entertainment space.

The following video illustrates how single spaces can acquire multiple functions, and how the transformation of space is actuated so effortlessly.

The Ori Inc., robotic furniture invention and its many aspects are recited in several patent applications including:
  • US20180311826A1 - Apparatuses, systems, and methods for transformable living spaces 
  • WO2018237139A2 - Control elements for tracking and movement of furniture and interior architectural elements 
Ori living
Matheson, R. (Jan 31, 2018) Robotic interiors, MIT Media Lab.
Jackson, C. (Sept. 24, 2018) Get in bed with Skynet - NY Times


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