Wednesday, April 7, 2021

World Health Day

Copyright © Françoise Herrmann

The theme for the United Nation’s (UN) World Health Organization (WHO) World Health Day celebrations this year is Build a fairer, healthier world. For this purpose the WHO suggests:

  • ·        Working together
  • ·        Collecting reliable data
  • ·        Tackling inequities
  • ·        Acting beyond borders

A platform with amplified significance in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, affecting 131,487,572 people worldwide, as of April 6, 2021, with a global death toll of almost 3 million people (Who COVID 19 Dashboards).  

The WHO COVID19 Dashboards are also posting figures on the status of the global COVID 19 vaccination campaign. As of April 5, 2021, 604,032,357 doses have been delivered. A figure that echoes the 2021 UN WHO World Health Day theme, as global vaccine distribution is also arising in the of midst distribution inequities. Inequities, unsurprising to experts at the UN, such as UNAIDS Executive Director Winnie Byanyima, who perhaps best captured the already emerging controversies with the term vaccine apartheid (Byanyima, 2021; O'Neill, 2021).

 In any event, the observance of World Health Day, in the year 2021, feels more like a Get Well World card, than a celebration of world health, especially when such a tiny microorganism as the CoV2 has so cruelly robbed the world of one of its most powerful tools for healing.

   Extracted from 351 hands touching through glass Getty Images. 


Byanyima, W. (Feb. 3, 2021) UNAIDS A global vaccine apartheid is unfolding. People’s lives must come before profit

O’Neill, J. (March 18, 2021) End vaccine apartheid by waiving patents and save us all from Covid-19

Touching through glass 

UN WHO World Health Day

WHO Covid-19 Dashboard

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