Wednesday, July 10, 2024

European Inventor Awards (6) - The Trophy

 Copyright © Françoise Herrmann

The European Inventor Awards Trophy was designed by the German Industrial Designer, Miriam Irle. The trophy is shaped like a sail (no English pun intended). A sail that harnessed the winds of exploration some 3000 years ago as a lasting symbol of innovation. However, the trophy design is not only loaded with symbolic meaning, the trophy is also produced each year using an industrial process, material or craft that is quintessential in the country hosting the awards ceremony. 

This year was no exception. The trophy was made of limestone, the most abundant building material found on the island of Malta, also used for centuries to build churches, palaces and the walled cities of the island. Cities like Valletta, the capital of Malta, built in the 1500s, now a Unesco World Heritage Center, hosting the 2024 European Inventor Awards ceremony. For a historical city celebrating innovation on the occasion of the 2024 EPO Awards ceremony, this year’s trophy also combined the innovation of 3D printing using the iconic and historical building material of the island of Malta. 


European Inventor Awards 2024 

Miriam Irle

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