Saturday, October 18, 2014

World Food Day

Copyright © Françoise Herrmann

October 16, 2014. was World Food Day, under the auspices of the UN World Food Program (WFP).   

This is another United Nations agency that loves zeros, as in zero hungry people in the world… or UNICEF’s zero child mortality… So hip hip… for the magic of ZERO!

In any event it is not too late to take the WFP 5-question Hunger quizz!  [WFP3] called Test your hunger IQ and feed a child!  ***For every person who takes the WFP quizz on hunger, a child will receive a warm meal thanks to an anonymous donor to WFP! ***

Nor is it too late to learn about hunger by clicking on the tabs next to Quizz box [WFP3], or reading the hyperlinked primer below.

- What is hunger? An Insufficient amount of kilocalories to promote normal development and a healthy life. The average need per person, per day, is estimated at more than 2100 Kcal. [WFP 5]
- Who are hungry? 805 million people in South East Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean and in developed countries [WFP6]
- What are the causes of hunger? Poverty, war and displacement, insufficient investment in agriculture, climate and weather, unstable markets and food waste. [WFP7]
- What are the stats? Hunger kills more people that TB, Malaria and AIDS combined. Tweet 10 more facts to your friends. [WFP8]
- What does the world hunger map look like? [WFP4 - English version]
- What can be done to prevent world hunger? School meals, Food for assets, feed HIV/AIDS patients, Purchase for Progress (P4P), focus on women. [WFP9]

The WFP is currently responding to five ER crises in the world: 1. CAR – the Central African Republic, undergoing a catastrophic humanitarian crisis within the context of civil war and a collapsed economy; 2. the Ebola crisis in neighboring West Africa (in particular Liberia Sierra Leone and Guinea) assisting with  the logistics of supplies in addition to supplying food; 3. Iraq for about 100,000 people fleeing violence to the area around the Sinjar Mountains; 4. South Sudan also submerged in civil strife with more than 750,000 people displaced, and; 5. Syria also living in civil strife for the past three years and facing the consequences of severe drought.  [WFP2]
Mark your calendars for October 16, every year, till the hunger counter displays zero! ...

World food Program
WFP2 – Five hunger emergencies.
WFP3 – Test your hunger IQ – Feed a Child
WFP5 – What is hunger
WFP6 - Who are the hungry
WFP7 - What causes hunger?
WFP8 - Statistcs
WFP9 – Preventing hunger
WFP4 - Hunger Map (English version)

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