Copyright © Françoise Herrmann
The list of finalists for the 2016 European Patent Awards has just been published. And you are warmly invited to vote in the Popular Prize category for your favorite inventor!
The EPO polling rules for the Popular Prize are interesting in that you can cast a vote every day for your favorite inventor, up to May 31!
Awards are conferred to one of three finalists in the below-listed 5 categories of Industry, Research, Small and Medium Enterprises, Non-European Patent organization countries and lifetime Achievement.
The 15 finalists were selected by an International Jury of experts both on the scientific merits and socio-economic impact of the inventions. Anyone can nominate an inventor. The Jury selects from an EPO selected short-list of approximately 200 nominations (40 in each category). So the competition is quite tough!
The winners are awarded a trophy in the form of a sail symbolizing exploration, which is each year specially crafted in the country where the ceremony will take place. The award ceremony will take place this year Lisbon, Portugal on June 9th 2016!
Here is the line-up of nominated 2016 finalists.
- Industry
Virna Cerne, Ombretta Polenghi (Italy)
Gluten substitutes from corn
Gluten substitutes from corn
Sample patent: EP2401920A1
Bernhard Gleich, Jürgen Weizenecker and team (Germany)
Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI)
Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI)
Sample patent: EP1304542B1
Joan Daemen, Pierre-Yvan Liardet and team (Belgium, France)
Secure smartcard encryption
Secure smartcard encryption
Sample patents: EP0998731, EP1617586B1
- Research
Alim-Louis Benabid (France)
Treatment for Parkinson’s Disease
Treatment for Parkinson’s Disease
Elvira Fortunato, Rodrigo Martins (Portugal)
Paper transistors
Paper transistors
Miroslav Sedláček (Czech Republic)
Rolling fluid turbine
Rolling fluid turbine
Sample patents: EP2171260B1
- Small & Medium Enterprises
Arminas Ragauskas (Lithuania)
Ultrasound to safely measure brain pressure
Ultrasound to safely measure brain pressure
Tue Johannessen, Ulrich Quaade, Claus Hviid Christensen, Jens Kehlet Nørskov (Denmark)
Ammonia storage to reduce NOx
Ammonia storage to reduce NOx
Sample patents: EP1728290, EP2316558, EP 2305979
Helen Lee (United Kingdom, France)
Diagnostic kits for developing countries
Diagnostic kits for developing countries
Sample patents: EP13011627, EP1301628
- Non-European Patent Organization countries
Robert Langer (USA)
Targeted anti-cancer drugs
Targeted anti-cancer drugs
Arogyaswami Paulraj and team (India, USA)
Faster wireless connectivity
Faster wireless connectivity
Hugh Herr (USA)
Biomechatronic leg joints
Biomechatronic leg joints
- Lifetime achievement
Tore Curstedt (Sweden)
Helping newborn babies breathe
Helping newborn babies breathe
Anton van Zanten (Germany, The Netherlands)
Electronic stability control for cars
Electronic stability control for cars
Alain Carpentier (France)
Implantable artificial heart
Implantable artificial heart