Thursday, May 13, 2021

European Inventor Awards Popular Prize - Vote here!

 Copyright © Françoise Herrmann

The distinguished Jury of the European Patent Awards selected 15 finalists, among hundreds of nominations, in the five award categories of Research, Industry, Small & Medium Enterprises (SME), Non-European Patent Organization country, and Lifetime Achievement. However, one additional prize is awarded, during the Awards Ceremony, as a result of the popular vote.  Consequently, this is your chance to vote. The finalist who receives the most popular votes will be awarded  the sixth European Inventor trophy.

The Popular Vote electronic polling station is open for everyone to cast, not one, but many votes. According to the European Patent Office rules, you may vote as many times as you wish, but only once a day, for a single invention.  Therefore, dear Reader, you are invited to cast your ballot(s).

To vote for your favorite invention, please click here.

Until June 17th, Central European Summer Time (CEST) 7 pm. when all the winners of the European Inventor Award will be celebrated, the short YouTube video included below is a teaser about the European Inventor Awards 2021.


EPO - Europea Inventor Awards

EPO - European Inventor Awards - The 2021 Finalists 

EPO - Jury members of the European Inventors Awards 2021 

EPO - European Inventor Awards Popular Prize Voting page -

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