Saturday, June 26, 2021

European Inventor Awards - The 2021 Trophy

 Copyright © Françoise Herrmann

Each year, the winners of the European Inventor Awards receive a trophy, in the shape of a sail, designed by the German Industrial Designer Miriam Irle. Irle's design of the sail trophy also calls for a different fabrication process each year. Thus, the sail is variously fabricated, using carefully selected quintessential local talent, from the European country where the Awards ceremony takes place. For example, when the Awards ceremony took place in Venice, Italy, the trophies were fabricated at a Murano glass workshop. Likewise, when the ceremony took place in Lisbon, Portugal, the sails were fabricated at a renowned Azulejos ceramics workshop.

In 2021, considering that the EPO Inventor Awards ceremony took place online, due to pandemic restrictions, the fabrication of the 2021 trophy remained a complete surprise, until the June 17th­online  event.

The Irle sail trophy for the 2021 EPO Inventor Awards was fabricated using Green Cast® acrylic. Invented in Italy, Green Cast® acrylic is an ever recyclable material, made from 100% pre- and post-consumer recycled plastics. In theory, once a sheet of Green Cast® acrylic is made and used, the no-longer useful end object can then be recycled into another sheet of Green Cast® acrylic. Thus, Green Cast® acrylic might never be discarded into a landfill, nor will the materials ever lose any of their optical, mechanical or thermal properties. 

Below, an image of the six different, 2021, Green Cast® acrylic sail trophies, awarded to the winning Inventors of the EPO contest. Each separate sail trophy design corresponds to one of the categories of the awards.

2021 European Inventor Trophy


EPO - About the Award (2021).

Greencast® by Madre Perka (Italy).

Miriam Irle

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