Thursday, June 16, 2022

2022 European Inventor Awards: The Finalists

 Copyright © Françoise Herrmann

This year, on June 21, the European Patent Office will (virtually) honor inventors in six categories, including Research, Small and Medium Enterprises, Industry, Lifetime Achievement, Non-EPO country, and the newly minted category of Young (less than 30) Inventors. A seventh inventor, selected among the 6 categories, will also be awarded an inventor award by popular vote. This means that you are also invited to vote, here, as many times as you like, but only for one inventor each day, according to the EPO Popular Prize rules.

The following is a list of the finalists competing in each of the categories, except the Lifetime Achievement category, where the name of a single winner will be disclosed during the ceremony. For each team or individual inventor, competing in the remaining categories, the type of invention, a sample patent and a short video are included.

Small and Medium Enterprises
Madiha Derouazi (CH), Elodie Belnoue (FR) and team
Invention: Therapeutic vaccine platform to treat several forms of cancer.
EP3515476A1 - Fusion comprising a cell-penetrating peptide, a multi epitope and a tlr peptide agonist for treatment of cancer.

Nuno Correia, Carla Gomes and team (PT)
Invention: Floating solar farm mooring system that tracks the sun.
EP3571762A2 - Mooring system for a photovoltaic floating platform.

Nuria Espallargas (ES) and Fahmi Mubarok (ID)
Invention: Spray-on ceramic coatings to extend life of products.
EP13785472A - Thermal spraying of ceramic mate.

Joachim Fiedler (DE)
Invention: Fun, strong fasteners for quick release.
EP3506782A1 - Closure device having a winding element.

Elena García Armada (ES)

Invention: First adaptable robotic exoskeleton for children.
EP3009240A1 - Articulation with controllable stiffness and force-measuring device.

Claude Grison (FR)

Invention: Decontaminating polluted soils with metal-eating plants.
EP3043906A1 - Use of certain organic materials, containing alkali or alkaline-earth metals, for implementing organic chemical reactions.

Johan Martens, Tom Bosserez and Jan Rongé (BE)
Invention: Green hydrogen from sunlight and air.
EP3663437A1 - Device for hydrogen and electricity production.

Frank Herre, Hans-Georg Fritz, Timo Beyl, Marcus Kleiner and Benjamin Wöhr (DE)
Invention: Revolutionary no-waste car body paint system.
EP3523053A1 - Coating device and corresponding coating method.

Jaan Leis, Mati Arulepp and Anti Perkson (EE)
Invention: Superior carbon-based materials for ultracapacitors.
EP2564404A1 - Composite carbon electrode for electric double-layer capacitor.

Frédérick Pasternak (FR)
Invention: Unlocking next-gen weather forecasts and climate models.
EP3784998A1 - Pupillary imaging spectrometer.

Non-EPO country
Donald Sadoway (CA/US)
Invention: Liquid metal batteries for storing renewable energy.
EP0380645A1 - Apparatus and method for the electrolytic production of metals.

Ido Sella and Shimrit Perkol-Finkel (IL)
Invention: Concrete technology to encourage marine biodiversity.
EP2956001B1 - Methods and matrices for promoting fauna and flora growth.

Marco Stampanoni, Zhentian Wang and team (CH/CN)
Invention: Phase-contrast X-ray imaging for advanced breast cancer detection.
EP2737303A1 - Method for image fusion based on principal component analysis.

Young Inventors
Young inventors are specifically selected for inventions that address one, or several, of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Rafaella de Bona Gonçalves (BR)
Invention: Biodegradable pads and tampons to combat period poverty.

Victor Dewulf (BE) and Peter Hedley (UK)
Invention: AI-driven waste management (Recycleye).

Erin Smith (US)
Invention: AI FacePrint brings earlier care to new Parkinson’s patients.


European Patent Office (website)

European Patent Office : European Inventor Awards

European Patent Office - Vote for your favorite inventor.

EspaceNet (patent database)

United Nations: What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

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