Tuesday, June 11, 2024

EPO Popular Prize (3) - Vote here!

Copyright © Françoise Herrmann

The European Patent Organization (EPO) invites the public to vote for the Finalist who will receive the Popular Prize. The Popular Prize winner, solely decided by the public, will be announced on the occasion of the European Inventor Awards Ceremony, to be held in Malta, on July 9, 2024. 

The rules for voting are the following:

  • You may vote as many times as you like, but only once a day, for any one of the 12 Finalists.
  • You may vote as many times as you like, up to the Awards Ceremony. Votes are counted during the ceremony. 
  • Voting is free.
  • Registration to vote requires an authenticated email, or social media account, the first time you vote. 

Click below to vote for your favorite inventors/inventions!


European Inventor Award: Meet the Finalists.


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