Thursday, June 13, 2024

European Inventor Awards 2024 (4) - The Jury.

 Copyright © Françoise Herrmann

The European Inventor Awards Jury selected the twelve 2024 contest finalists out of a pool of more than 550 proposals. The Jury was made up of distinguished scientists and entrepreneurs, former finalists or winners of the contest in previous years. The following  six women and seven men were members of the 2024 Jury:

(from right to left)

Wolfgang M. Heckl (Chair) is Director General of the Deutsches Museum in Munich.
Catia Bastioli, CEO of the Novamont Group, an international leader in the bioplastics and biochemicals sector. 

Winner European Inventor Award 2007 (SMEs/Research)

Nuno Correia, Founder of SolarisFloat Ltd, and co-inventor of a mooring platform for floating solar farms that tracks the sun.  

Finalist European Inventor Award 2022 (SMEs)

Nuria Espallargas, Professor at the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering NTNU, Norway.

Finalist European Inventor Award 2022 (SMEs)

Joachim Fiedler,  Professional cellist in several orchestras and ensemble. In 2007, founded Fidlock GmbH to develop quick-release magnetic-mechanical fasteners for cello bows, and additional applications. 

Finalist  European Inventor Award 2022 (SMEs)

Peter Holme Jensen, PhD and founder of Aquaporin, a company that develops natural, sustainable water treatment solutions.

Winner of the European Inventor Award 2014 (SMEs)

Marta Karczewicz, Vice-President of Technology at Qualcomm, where she has driven advances in data coding algorithms since 2006. 

Winner of the  European Inventor Award 2019 for Lifetime Achievement

Ursula Keller, Professor at ETH Zurich in the Ultrafast Laser Physics research lab and co-founder of several companies. 

Winner of the European Inventor Award 2018 for Lifetime Achievement

Agnès Poulbot, Senior expert at Michelin, where she co-invented a regenerative tire tread technology that extends tire life and reduces fuel consumption.

Winner of the European Inventor Award 2018 (Industry)

Erin Smith, Entrepreneur and inventor of FacePrint, a screening tool that uses AI to analyze facial expressions that indicate the onset of Parkinson's.

Winner of the Young Inventors First Prize 2022

Richard Turere, Conservationist, entrepreneur and author from Kenya.

Winner of Young Inventors First Prize 2023

Zhentian Wang, Associate Professor at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, dedicated to developing X-ray imaging methods for advanced breast cancer screening. 

Finalist European Inventor Award 2022 (Non-EPO Countries)


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